Cardiology - Health Services - Eskenazi Health

Health care providers pay a lot of attention to patients’ hearts and for good reason. The heart is the center of the cardiovascular system and powers all organs and tissue. It is responsible for the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to every inch of the body and carries away waste products. Without a healthy heart, other body systems begin to fail.

Eskenazi Health Cardiology offers an array of diagnostic and interventional cardiology services on the Eskenazi Health downtown campus. From echocardiograms to pacemaker implantation, a variety of tests and procedures are available on both an inpatient and outpatient basis, helping keep hearts as healthy as possible.

Interventional Cardiology

When more invasive testing is needed, patients are referred to the interventional labs located on the third floor of the Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital. The Cardiac Catheterization Lab can perform cardiac catheterizations in order to visualize the coronary arteries and chambers of the heart to provide minimally invasive treatment options. The interventional team provides care outcomes that meet or exceed nationally recognized standards.

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  • Cardiology
  • Cardiac Diagnostics Lab
  • Cardiac Catheterization Lab
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The Cardiology Clinic is located in Eskenazi Health Special Medicine on the fourth floor of the Sandra Eskenazi Outpatient Care Center. Cardiologists at the clinic see patients for outpatient appointments, follow-up care after cardiac procedures or implantable device checks.

The Eskenazi Health Cardiac Diagnostics Lab, located on the first floor of Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital, is an ICAEL-accredited laboratory providing noninvasive testing services. The lab is equipped with state-of-the-art imaging equipment, including three-dimensional imaging. Available diagnostic tests include:

  • Cardiac treadmill stress tests and pharmacologic stress tests with echo and nuclear imaging
  • Echocardiograms (including pediatric)
  • Holter monitors and event recorders
  • Tilt table tests
  • Transesophageal echocardiograms, including 3D imaging

The Eskenazi Health Cardiac Catheterization Lab provides 24/7 emergency catheterization services for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. Interventional cardiologists and staff are on call around the clock to provide immediate heart attack care day or night.

Procedures performed in the Cardiac Cath Lab include:

  • Coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary interventions (stent placement, angioplasty including complex percutaneous interventions, rotablation and orbital atherectomy)
  • Pericardiocentesis
  • Right and left heart catheterization

The interventional suite also provides electrophysiology (EP) procedures such as:

  • EP studies and ablations
  • Internal cardiac defibrillator (ICD) placement and cardiac resynchronization therapy
  • Pacemaker implantation and replacement, including His-bundle pacing

For referrals to the Eskenazi Health Cardiac Diagnostics Lab, please call 317.880.4140.

For referrals to Eskenazi Health Cardiology, please call 317.880.6540 or fax 317.880.0320.

For referrals to the Eskenazi Health Cardiac Catheterization Lab, please call 317.880.8361.

For referrals to the Eskenazi Health EP Lab, please call 317.880.8364

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This website is NOT for medical emergencies or medical treatment. If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. For medical treatment, please contact your physician’s office by phone or go to the nearest appropriate facility. The Michael & Susan Smith Emergency Department is located on the Eskenazi Health downtown campus, 720 Eskenazi Ave. If you need to speak with a nurse urgently to discuss your symptoms but it’s not an emergency, please call Eskenazi Health Connections at 317.880.7666.

If this is a mental health emergency, please call 988 or 317.880.8485. In case of a mental health emergency, you may also go to the Thota Rao, M.D., & Aruna Rau, M.D., Crisis Intervention Unit on the Eskenazi Health downtown campus from 8:30 a.m. – 11 p.m. From 11 p.m. - 8:30 a.m., emergency psychiatric services are provided by crisis specialist clinicians in the Michael & Susan Smith Emergency Department also on the Eskenazi Health downtown campus.

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