Orthopaedics - Health Services - Eskenazi Health

Bones are living tissue that provide shape and support for the body as well as protection for delicate organs. Bones also serve as storage sites for minerals, providing the marrow used by the body for development and storage of blood cells.

Because the functions of bones are extensive and essential to a person’s mobility, many disorders and injuries require clinical care from a physician or health care professional. And because of the complexity of bones’ functions, many diseases can affect movement and bone structure.

Located on the third floor of the Sandra Eskenazi Outpatient Care Center, Eskenazi Health Orthopaedics provides a full range of services to help patients maintain strong bones, care for injuries and disorders, and fight cancers occurring in the bones. It also provides expertise in the treatment of orthopaedic trauma cases at the Smith Level I Shock Trauma Center at Eskenazi Health.

Along with a complete medical history and physical exam, orthopaedic specialists use a variety of tests to diagnose bone disorders across the range of severity. With lab tests, X-rays, CT or CAT scans, MRIs, biopsies and more, Eskenazi Health Orthopaedics can detect and treat each case on an essential individual level.

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Disorders treated by Eskenazi Health Orthopaedics include but are not limited to:

Orthopaedic services include:

  • Casts
  • Joint injections
  • Foreign body removal
  • Orthotics
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy

Appointments are made on a referral basis. To learn more, please contact Eskenazi Health Orthopaedics at 317.880.3737.

This website is NOT for medical emergencies or medical treatment. For medical treatment, please contact your physician’s office by phone or go to the nearest emergency room. For emergencies, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If this is a mental health emergency, please call 317.880.8485.

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