Located on the third floor of the Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital, the surgery area has 17 operating room suites, including a hybrid endovascular suite. Inpatient and outpatient surgeries are performed in various specialties, including colorectal, ophthalmology, obstetrics/gynecology, otorhinolaryngology (ENT), neurosurgery, thoracic, vascular, orthopaedics, trauma, urology, general surgery, breast and plastic surgery.
On the day of surgery, patients report to the third floor of the hospital. Once registered, they are taken to the surgical pre-op unit and evaluated by a nurse, anesthesiologist and surgery resident. The staff verifies consent, allergies, medications, site marking, health history and plans for the ride home, if the surgery is outpatient.
After surgery, in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit, patients are monitored by a critical care-trained nurse. It is essential that patients have time to adjust and begin healing, whether they have gone through major or minor surgery, and they will be discharged when they are awake enough to drink, eat and understand directions. Family visitation is limited unless the patient is recovering in the hospital.