Once labor begins, expectant mothers should go directly to the Sablosky Family Labor & Delivery Center at Eskenazi Health on the fifth floor of the Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital via the Yellow Elevators.
Laboring mothers and loved ones will find confidence in the patient-centered care provided by our IU School of Medicine faculty physicians and obstetrics nurses and staff. Support people are welcome to share in the Family Beginnings experience. Three supporters are allowed with the mother while in active labor, no matter the time. Children under age 14 are welcomed in the unit but must be accompanied by an adult. One support person, over the age of 18, is able to spend the night with the mother after she has given birth. These visitation guidelines are subject to change as needed to minimize the risk of respiratory virus exposure to patients. More information about current status is available on the visitor information webpage.
New parents will enjoy a special celebratory meal as they prepare for their new life as a family.
Visitors should be healthy at the time of visit. Sick visitors, especially children, should wait until they are healthy to visit the baby.