For the safety of patients and staff, only visitors who are 18 or older and not experiencing flu-like symptoms may visit patients at Eskenazi Health at this time. Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., seven days a week. Masks will be available for visitors to promote good respiratory hygiene.
In the critical care areas, one visitor (family spokesperson) will be allowed to remain at the bedside during shift report. This is for patient privacy and to help with a safe shift handoff. Two visitors are permitted at the bedside at a time unless the patient is at end-of-life and then four visitors will be allowed at the bedside.
Overnight visitors may be allowed under the following exceptions: minors, vulnerable patients and end-of-life. The shift coordinators are empowered to make these decisions.
Visitation in the NICU
In response to increasing viral disease, including RSV, in the community, temporary visitation restrictions are in place for the Eskenazi Health NICU. Restrictions are as follows:
Only parents plus four healthy adults (18 years or older) per patient will be allowed to visit NICU patients.
Children under 18 years old, including siblings, will not be permitted to visit at this time.
To reduce potential exposures for the patient, parents are asked not to change visitor lists during the viral season (with exceptions being discussed as needed).
Any visitors other than parents who present ill will not be permitted to visit, even if they are on the list. Parents will be counseled to stay home if ill as well, but no restrictions will be placed on their visitation (with the exception of positivity for COVID-19 and viral-related fever). Ill parents will be asked to wear a mask and complete frequent hand hygiene.
Enhanced Screening Process for Patients and Visitors on Eskenazi Health Downtown Campus
Patients and visitors entering the Sandra Eskenazi Outpatient Care Center, the Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital or the Michael & Susan Smith Emergency Department will be screened for items that pose a safety risk. Screening equipment will include a pass-through metal detector, handheld scanning device and X-ray machine for belongings. If circumstances warrant it, patients or visitors will be scanned using a handheld device, and personal items such as, but not limited to, purses, backpacks, bags and briefcases will be sent through an X-ray machine. These screening measures are part of maintaining a safe campus environment for Eskenazi Health staff, patients and visitors and will not interfere with or delay emergency medical treatment.