Hoosier Heartland Healing Collaborative - Programs - Eskenazi Health

Over the past decade, residents of Indianapolis have experienced substantial challenges related to violence and addiction. Where violence and addiction are present, the consequences ripple throughout the community resulting in chronic, multi-generational trauma. Systems of support – health care providers, corrections staff, educators, faith leaders and other community leaders – often find themselves in a position where they lack the skills to work through their own secondary and personal traumas, leaving them at risk for many of the same challenges faced by their patients, clients, students and parishioners.

Eskenazi Health Hoosier Heartland Healing Collaborative, a new Eskenazi Health-led program in partnership with Center for Mind-Body Medicine and funded, in part, by the Herbert Simon Family Foundation, aims to equip the community with skills proven to aid in alleviating trauma and secondary trauma. Using Center for Mind-Body Medicine’s evidence-based model, the program teaches participants how to use self-care and group support as tools for stress- and trauma-relief along with how to build resilience.

Members of the community are invited to participate in the program in one of two ways: participating in a self-care skills group or going through the two-part training program to become a group facilitator. For more information about both options, please click the tabs below.

If you have any questions about the Hoosier Heartland Healing Collaborative or would like to participate in either option, please submit your information via the Contact Us feature below, stating you’d like more information on the Hoosier Heartland Healing Collaborative. You can also visit the Center for Mind-Body Medicine website for additional information on self-care programming.

  • Self-Care Skills Group Participant
  • Group Facilitator Training Program
  • What is Mind-Body Medicine?
  • Contact Us

Self-care is a necessary, though often neglected, part of life that is critically important to physical and mental well-being, resilience and the ability to give others our best. To promote self-care, mind-body medicine self-care skills groups are now available to the community.

The groups are small, with just eight to 10 people, and led by a skilled facilitator who has gone through the two-part Group Facilitator Training Program (see second tab for more information). They meet on a set day and time for eight sessions, with each group lasting one-and-a-half to two hours. This format provides an opportunity to begin to integrate the mind-body skills into your life with the goal of equipping you with the tools you need to make your own well-being a priority. Self-care skills groups are for individuals of all ages and backgrounds with a variety of concerns and goals.

The evidence-based skills learned in groups have been documented to help lower levels of stress, improve mood, enhance resiliency and optimism, and help prevent chronic health conditions.

These skills include:

  • Meditation – To promote relaxed, moment-to-moment awareness through concentrative, mindfulness and expressive meditations
  • Guided imagery – To mobilize your imagination, to improve physiological functioning, and to address concerns and problems that have previously resisted solutions
  • Autogenic training & biofeedback – To develop control over autonomic system functioning, reduce stress, and bring mind and body into balance
  • Breath work – To enhance your health through breath awareness
  • Movement – To release stress and increase energy
  • Self-expression – To find solutions to previously insoluble problems through journaling and drawing

There is no fee to participate. If you are interested in participating in a group, please submit your information via the Contact Us feature, stating you’d like more information on participating in a self-care skills group through the Hoosier Heartland Healing Collaborative.

The program consists of two parts for trainees. Individuals will first go through the Professional Training Program and then follow that up with the Advanced Training Program. After the two-part training, individuals will be able to provide people who are struggling with stress, anxiety and depression with instruction in basic stress- and trauma-relief services through mind-body skills groups, self-care workshops and in other appropriate settings.

Enrollment is open to key personnel employed by local collaborative partners from health care, education, corrections, religious institutions and other nonprofit community organizations. There is a fee to enroll.

Upcoming Training Dates: Coming Soon

  • Professional Training Program

    In the Professional Training Program, trainees will receive a comprehensive introduction to Center for Mind-Body Medicine’s approach and small and large group experiences of mind-body techniques. The training includes in-depth material on the biology and psychology of stress and trauma as well as the specific evidence-based mind-body techniques used.
  • Advanced Training Program

    The Advanced Training Program is designed to help trainees deepen their experience and confidence with the skills learned during the first program and equip them to utilize the skills with patients, students and clients. It includes a combination of didactic lectures on implementing the model along with practicums in which trainees will lead groups and teach the techniques, receiving support and feedback from senior Center for Mind-Body Medicine faculty.
  • Sustainability

    After participation in the advanced training, selected individuals will have the opportunity to be certified in the model, and a community leadership council will be formed. This will play a vital role in allowing the model to be sustainable throughout the communities served.
  • Contact Hours

    Attendees of this training program will receive 28.75 contact hours.

    Eskenazi Health is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Ohio Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (OBN-001-91)

Mind-body medicine is based on the scientific understanding of the connection between our thoughts, sensations and feelings and our mind, body, and spirit. It focuses on the interactions between mind and body and the powerful ways in which emotional, mental, social and spiritual factors can directly relieve stress and improve health. This approach to wellness is grounded in practical, evidence-based skills for self-care, nutrition, self-awareness and group support. It emphasizes an approach that respects and enhances each person’s capacity for self-knowledge and self-care. 

Mind-body approaches use the conscious mind to directly affect the workings of the brain and the rest of the body. The techniques exert their effect on the hypothalamus, the switching station in the brain, which exercises control over the autonomic nervous system (which controls heart rate, blood pressure, etc.), the endocrine (glandular) system and the immune system. 

These techniques have been demonstrated to create beneficial changes in many of the body’s physiological responses (including blood pressure, stress hormone levels, pain response and immune functioning) and to make a significant clinical difference in conditions as diverse as hypertension, HIV, cancer, chronic pain and insomnia as well as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

    MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This website is NOT for medical emergencies or medical treatment. If you are having a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. For medical treatment, please contact your physician’s office by phone or go to the nearest appropriate facility. The Michael & Susan Smith Emergency Department is located on the Eskenazi Health downtown campus, 720 Eskenazi Ave. If you need to speak with a nurse urgently to discuss your symptoms but it’s not an emergency, please call Eskenazi Health Connections at 317.880.7666.

    If this is a mental health emergency, please call 988 or 317.880.8485. In case of a mental health emergency, you may also go to the Thota Rao, M.D., & Aruna Rau, M.D., Crisis Intervention Unit on the Eskenazi Health downtown campus from 8:30 a.m. – 11 p.m. From 11 p.m. - 8:30 a.m., emergency psychiatric services are provided by crisis specialist clinicians in the Michael & Susan Smith Emergency Department also on the Eskenazi Health downtown campus.

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