Pet Therapy - Programs - Eskenazi Health

Therapy dogs are trained to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices and disaster areas. They also assist people with learning difficulties.

Patients in the Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital can request a visit from a certified therapy dog any time the dogs are in the building. Nurses can arrange visits for patients who they feel could benefit from interaction with a dog. Patients can hold or pet the dogs, and the dogs are also able to lie on the bed with patients. Unlike service dogs, who are primarily used for individuals with disabilities, therapy dogs are trained to bring comfort to people.

Patients who would like to request a visit while in the Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital should speak with their nurse or call the Robert & Gina Laikin Pet Therapy Program at Eskenazi Health at 317.926.8736.

Learn more about some of the therapy pets below. To support the pet therapy program, please visit

  • Balou

    Balou - Pet Therapy  NAME Balou
    BREED Saint Bernard
    WEIGHT 140 lbs.
    DOB September 2019
     FAVORITE ACTIVITY Loves working at Eskenazi Health and enjoys meeting new people

  • Baylee

    Baylee - Pet Therapy   NAME   Baylee
    BREED   Bernedoodle
    WEIGHT   55 lbs.
    DOB   December 2018
    FAVORITE ACTIVITY   Going for walks and chasing squirrels 
     SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS   Completion of the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen program

  • Busy Bee

    Busy Bee - Pet Therapy  NAME Busy Bee
    BREED Miniature Pinscher
    WEIGHT 8 lbs.
    DOB March 2023
     SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Has performed in front of huge New York crowds during dog show performances

  • Cody Bear

    Cody Bear - Pet Therapy  NAME Cody Bear
    BREED Labrador Retriever
    WEIGHT 75 lbs.
    DOB June 2019
    FAVORITE ACTIVITY Snuggle sessions 
     SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Responds to 84 verbal commands and cues

  • Hector

    Hector - Pet Therapy  NAME Hector
    BREED Standard Poodle
    WEIGHT 65 lbs.
    DOB September 2019
    FAVORITE ACTIVITY Chasing cars
     SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Champion show dog

  • Zen Laya

    Zen Laya - Pet Therapy  NAME Zen Laya
    BREED Saint Bernard
    WEIGHT 115 lbs.
    DOB March 2020
    FAVORITE ACTIVITY Dock diving 
     SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Holds several sports records and has 14 titles making her one of the most decorated performance Saint Bernards in the breed’s history

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