Eskenazi Health and United Northeast Community Development Corporation Invite Community to Discuss Health Equity Zone Initiative
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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday Schedule 2023
Eskenazi Health Foundation Receives Grant from Lilly Endowment Supporting violence and injury prevention
Eskenazi Health Foundation has received a grant of $500,000 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to support efforts to reduce gun violence as part of a comprehensive injury prevention initiative.
Eskenazi Health Circle of Recovery for Families Offers Substance Use Disorder Care for Pregnant People and Families
Eskenazi Health Warns of the Dangers of Alcohol-Related and Distracted Driving
New Year’s events provide a social atmosphere where alcohol is often consumed. Alcohol-related automobile crashes resulting in serious injuries and sometimes death occur throughout the calendar year, but New Year’s celebrations bring an increased risk with more people than normal out celebrating.
Eskenazi Health Warns of Potential Frostbite as Blizzard-Like Conditions Hit Indy Area
Extreme cold temperatures are forecasted to hit Central Indiana this week and the Richard M. Fairbanks Burn Center at Eskenazi Health is warning the public to take extreme caution to avoid the excruciating pain and discomfort of frostbite and other cold weather injuries.
Eskenazi Health Emergency Physicians Suggest Caution in Freezing Weather
Extreme cold temperatures are forecasted to hit Central Indiana this week and the physicians with the Michael & Susan Smith Emergency Department at Eskenazi Health are warning the public to take extreme caution to avoid the excruciating pain and discomfort of frostbite and other cold weather injuries.
2022 Holiday and Winter Weather Schedule
It’s Open Enrollment Time for Health Insurance and Eskenazi Health is Here to Assist
With the open enrollment period for 2023 health insurance plans underway, Eskenazi Health encourages anyone in need of health insurance to take advantage of open enrollment and learn about the various health coverage plans available. Open enrollment in the marketplace continues through Jan. 15, 2023.
Patient Can’t Wait for New Eskenazi Health Center to Open
New Technology Aids Eskenazi Health in Colorectal Polyp Detection
Eskenazi Health Expands Medical-Legal Partnership for Patients in Need
Longtime Eskenazi Health initiative helps patients with medical/legal issues.