Research Stations - Researchers - Eskenazi Health

Research stations are semi-private glass enclosures in the waiting rooms of floors three, four, five and six of the Sandra Eskenazi Outpatient Care Center on the Eskenazi Health downtown campus.  These stations are used by researchers and participants or potential participants and are equipped with a table, two chairs, wireless internet and an electrical connection. They are wheelchair accessible and feature frosted glass for privacy and a sliding door.

Ideal uses include:

  • Informed consent discussions

  • Research interviews, surveys or education with participants or caregivers (both Eskenazi Health patients and non-patients)

  • Recruitment activities such as study explanations

Unapproved uses include:

  • Clinical care such as billable appointments

  • Specimen collection (e.g., blood, urine, swabs) or procedures

  • Researcher office space

All activities using research stations should be reserved in the research station’s schedule in Epic. If the participant is an Eskenazi Health patient, they should also be associated with an Epic study record. Please call 317.880.3206 for more information on research station scheduling. 

Note: Sensitive discussions are more appropriate in a fully private setting.

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