Trauma Training and Education - Careers - Eskenazi Health

Each year, the Smith Level I Shock Trauma Center at Eskenazi Health offers a wide variety of courses to keep the medical community up to date on state-of-the-art procedures and protocols in trauma care. In addition, staff members also offer training sessions to health professionals, including emergency medical service personnel, such as lunch-and-learns, audits and more. Please contact the department at the number above to make arrangements for a presentation for your organization or to inquire about these courses.  

  • Trauma Evaluation and Management (TEAM)

    The TEAM course was designed by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma for medical students to provide basic instruction in the initial care of trauma patients. The course is mandatory for third-year medical students at Indiana University School of Medicine.

  • Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)

    The Smith Level I Shock Trauma Center offers ATLS provider and instructor courses taught by Division of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care faculty. ATLS is mandatory for all surgical residents at Indiana University School of Medicine. Core trauma surgeons are required to maintain an ATLS instructor status in order to cover trauma at the Smith Level I Shock Trauma Center.

  • Advanced Trauma Operative Management (ATOM)

    The ATOM course was designed by leading trauma surgeons as a follow-up course to the Advanced Trauma Life Support course. This course, which combines a series of interactive lecture presentations and a surgical laboratory experience, increases the participant’s knowledge and procedural skills in surgical interventions for injuries from penetrating trauma. This course is mandatory training for fourth-year surgical residents of the Indiana University General Surgery Residency Program.

    Smith Level I Shock Trauma Center surgeons held the first ATOM course in 2005. The course has also been taught internationally.

  • Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma (ASSET)

    The ASSET course, which is mandatory for third-year medical residents at Indiana University School of Medicine, uses human cadavers to teach surgical exposure of anatomic structures that, when injured, may pose a threat to life or limb. Prior to the course, a course manual is distributed to students to provide an overview of surgical exposures in five key anatomic areas: neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis, and extremities (upper and lower). Each section begins with a short, case-based overview followed by a hands-on exposure performed by students under the guidance of faculty. The student-to-faculty ratio is low, allowing extensive faculty guidance and interaction with students. The student assesses his or her ability to perform each exposure independently and is evaluated on knowledge and technical skills.

  • Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC)/Emergency Nurse Pediatric Course (ENPC)

    TNCC and ENPC are Emergency Nurses Association courses dedicated to providing a standardized education program to enhance the knowledge of emergency nurses in assessment of cognitive and psychomotor skills in adult and pediatric populations. In partnership with Michael & Susan Smith Emergency Department nurses, the Smith Level I Shock trauma nursing staff members participate as instructors and coordinators for courses throughout the year.

  • The Eskenazi Health Annual Trauma & Surgical Critical Care Symposium

    Held annually, this symposium attracts nationally renowned speakers who present educational seminars to physicians, nurses, pre-hospital providers and other medical professionals on advances to the discipline of trauma care.

  • Rural Trauma Team Development Course (RTTDC)

    Developed by the Rural Trauma Committee of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT), this one-day course is based on the idea that rural facilities can form a trauma team consisting of at least three core members in most instances.

    The course emphasizes a team approach to the initial evaluation and resuscitation of the trauma patient at a rural facility and assists professionals in determining the need to transfer the patient to a higher level of care. The course includes interactive lectures on both medical procedures and communication strategies and three team performance scenarios. 

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