Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center STARS program provides specialized services to individuals with a mental illness and concurrent intellectual/developmental disability.
Staffed with psychiatric clinicians, nurses, care coordinators and psychiatrists, clients are offered a variety of services including individual therapy, group therapy, case management, behavioral primary health care coordination, adult mental health habilitation and psychiatric follow-along support. Acute services are also available through Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center’s continuum of treatment. Additionally, clients have access to Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center's Glad Writings Card Shop and Supported Employment program.
The philosophy of treatment is based on the recovery- and strengths-based treatment models in which individuals are evaluated in the context of their strengths and supports, recognizing that having a purpose in life (e.g., a job) and a support system (e.g., family and friends) are variables that predict stabilization. Identifying mental illness symptomatology in individuals with intellectual disability is a particular diagnostic challenge. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment depend on intensive collaboration with a residential team/family and tracking symptoms over a period of time until a clear diagnosis is made. The family/residential service/behavior specialist is an integral member of the team.
Clients are assigned to a clinician or care coordinator, depending on their needs, with this individual serving as the primary contact for treatment and connections to all mental health care at the STARS Program.
Therapy is individualized but often based on a problem-solving or adapted cognitive behavioral therapy. Clients are provided psychoeducation regarding their diagnosis and symptoms along with coping strategies to manage them. Group therapy is also offered. Through group process, individuals develop problem-solving and coping skills to increase independence.
Case management and skill-building training are offered to individuals who may not benefit from traditional therapies. These services focus on identifying challenges to stability and growing meaningful activity to ensure an individual’s psychiatric stability is obtained.
This program is available at the Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center - Dr. James J. Wright Building at 1700 N. Illinois St.