Thota Rao, M.D., & Aruna Rau, M.D., Crisis Intervention Unit - Eskenazi Health

The Thota Rao, M.D., & Aruna Rau, M.D., Crisis Intervention Unit, located in the lower level of the Sandra Eskenazi Outpatient Care Center, provides mental health crisis intervention to clients suffering from serious mental illness and substance abuse. It also provides services for children and adolescents who are seriously emotionally disturbed. It operates within the Administrative Directive Standards for 24-hour Crisis Intervention set forth by the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addictions.

Clients are seen at the walk-in clinic from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. on a first-come, first-served basis by a crisis clinician. Exceptions are patients who present threats of harm to self or others and those who are triaged to be seen sooner. From 8 p.m. - 8 a.m. emergency psychiatric services are provided by Eskenazi Health crisis specialist clinicians in the Michael & Susan Smith Emergency Department. Clients are also seen via consult requests from the Michael & Susan Smith Emergency Department and other medical units within the hospital when requested.

The unit is able to assess anyone who presents requesting emergency psychiatric services. Clients who receive services from another provider and are in need of inpatient services will be assessed and referred back to their current provider. If their provider cannot accept them for inpatient services at that time, a request for admission to the hospital will be made.

If inpatient services are not needed, clients receive an assessment and referral for follow-up services, including outpatient referrals and intake appointments, or are referred to other community resources as appropriate.

For more information or should you or a loved one be in need, please call the Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center crisis line at 317.880.8485

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To find out more information about the Thota Rao, M.D., & Aruna Rau, M.D., Crisis Intervention Unit, please contact 317.880.8485

This website is NOT for medical emergencies or medical treatment. For medical treatment, please contact your physician’s office by phone or go to the nearest emergency room. For emergencies, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. If this is a mental health emergency, please call 317.880.8485.

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